A view from the back of the conference hall

Over 60 participants from the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and the Highlands and Islands and from NHS National Education for Scotland attended the 2017 conference which took place in Stirling in September. The conference was opened by Margie Taylor, Chief Dental Officer, Scottish Government and the theme of the day was Dental Education Research in Scotland.  Prof Rhoda MacKenzie, Emeritus Professor at the University of Aberdeen presented the keynote lecture, Dental and Medical School Admissions – are we doing it right?

The afternoon session provided opportunity for discussion on Undergraduate Selection Processes for Dental Programmes and Assessment Processes in Undergraduate Dental Education with the aim of identifying areas for future collaborative research projects.

SOHRC Conference Programme 2017

SOHRC Conference 2017 - Workshop Discussion Summary

SOHRC Conference 2017 Keynote Lecture

Poster boards and discussion

First published: 8 October 2018