What is SOHRC?
The Scottish Oral Health Research Collaboration brings together Scotland’s leading researchers in oral health to deliver high quality research that supports the needs of Scotland’s population.
Researchers from each of the Scottish Dental Schools along with stakeholders from the NHS and primary dental care have joined forces to build on areas of common interest and strength, as identified in The Scottish Oral Health Research Strategy (www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2010/12/17131010/2). The Collaboration is supported by a part-time administrator funded by the member institutions and focusses on a theme of inequalities and oral health.
Strategic Aims:
To conduct research that:
- Delivers high quality research outputs with impact
- Supports the needs of the Scottish population
- Builds on existing areas of excellence
- To strengthen links between oral health research stakeholders across Scotland
- To build critical mass
- To submit competitive research funding bids